Welcome to BlueCanyonProductions.com, the website for various offerings
of Jim Terr / Blue Canyon Productions of New Mexico, USA.

Our founder (2024)


Updated (2024) version of the 2000 Holocaust Survivors project is here


Information on the SANTA FE SPY TOUR is here

New Mexico film projects

"The Vultures of Vegas"


A little horn-tooting, if you don't mind:
Over 2.5 MILLION VIEWS on our main YouTube Channel!

Advertising jingles, contracted  and other music work:  TheSongwriter.us

Audio book: "Wildest of the Wild West": HookIntoHistory.com

"24-Track Chronicles" book  website here 

"BEAUTIFUL LITTLE VEGAS" photo book  website here


Bumper sticker size 10" x 3". Price includes free shipping  in  USA. Order below. Idea from Karin Franklin.

                                         Shipping included:                                                                                                   

 from www.Patreon.com/JimTerr

"Jim Terr occupies a unique place in citizen activism. In both his brilliant satire work, and his more serious essays and outreach, he has a peculiar gift for focusing on the people who need to be reached and who might be reached, instead of just “preaching to the converted.” 
         His is a unique and valuable gift of populism and simplicity, perhaps a result of his small-town upbringing. His work is wise, hard-hitting, unusually effective, and deserves the support of everyone who wishes for a more humane world. Especially in these particularly divisive times, Jim has a gift for bridging the “divide.”                     -- 
THOM HARTMANN , radio host and author

Jim Terr's spirit shows through consistently in the essays, songs, and other projects he creates. It's the droll, sardonic, 'cut the B.S.' outlook that is known around the world as 'American.' His tone is especially valuable in an election year."                     -JAMES FALLOWS, national correspondent, Atlantic Monthly

"In his letters and articles, Jim Terr makes too much sense. In any other country he would have long since been locked up."                    -JONATHAN ALTER journalist / author / producer

I’ve known Jim for years, ever since he had me on his radio show in the charming little town of Las Vegas, NM. He’s a talented, caring guy with a great sense of humor and a good eye on what’s going on. We love publishing his selections of great articles in our “Editor’s Picks” feature.

-Russ Baker, Editor in Chief, WhoWhatWhy, author and investigative journalist

"The McCune Foundation has funded Jim Terr in seeral remarkably successful and useful educational video projects over the years, which have gained considerable national notice despite their low budgets" -Owen M. Lopez, Executive Director.

I’m totally proud and honored to support Jim Terr.  His take on, expression of, and support for many good things is what our world needs today.  We’ve got plenty of cogs in wheels but not much  creative genius directed towards our society and its foibles.  Yay Jim! -Dr. Joseph Whiteman, Patreon supporter

I consider it my civic duty, so am happy of course remain one of your patrons. You are fighting the good fight. And in the case of the money I send your way, I feel like I am helping you to fight it. -Robert Dorf, Patreon supporter


Info on projects mentioned in recent article:
(may not all be current 4-7-24)

Story of KFUN's role in World War Two

"Wildest of the Wild West" audio book

"Locally Owned" and Trez Gregory concert

 "The Home of  Katie Archer" radio drama and screenplay

"Teddy Roosevelt Slept Here" stage musical (not mentioned)

For information related to this book,
click on image:


AGAIN, NOTE - This site (info below) is years old, not even good for cruising...


Info on the four media / documentary projects pending completion funding:
(three of these four are foundation-funded to current point)

1. "JINGLING ALL THE WAY " documentary


2. Feature film near completion: "A CHICKEN IN EVERY GARAGE"


3. LOCAL RADIO NEWS: The "how" and "why" of local radio news reporting.

Note on this listing: Grantmakers in Film+Electronic Media (GFEM) has recently changed
its name to Media Impact Funders. http://mediaimpactfunders.org


4. THE HOME OF KATIE ARCHER - historical/contemporary radio drama

Note on this listing: Grantmakers in Film+Electronic Media (GFEM) has recently changed
its name to Media Impact Funders. http://mediaimpactfunders.org


QUESTIONS? Please email







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or go directly to BlueCanyonSatire
for political satire.


There is a "Blue Canyon Productions" on Bronson Ave.
in Los Angeles, but this ain't it. I don't know their website..

Other related activites & areas:

Jingles / Videos
New CD
LIVE!! Performance

(UPDATED December '06)
Blue Canyon Productions
Small company's products gain national attention and acclaim.
Music, books, videos and graphics to inform, amuse and inspire.

Lots of stuff on YouTube lately!


See the infamous "Santa Fe Stops" video -- and other glimpses of the
most strangely beautiful city in the USA, at

"Santa Fe's —and therefore the world's—strangest web site.
Fascinating sound clips and soul-nourishing content."

- Bill Hutchison, Anthologist's Cabinet

This website is supported by sales of the critically-acclaimed, life-saving, life-enriching educational DVD,
"Five Frightfully Fine Videos."

Please check it out.

 This friend's beautiful book will tell you all about it.

"The Passion of BuDDy"
jolts Hollywood & USA!

(see video)


(Click Here)

"Five Frightfully Fine Videos" DVD
Save your child
from a life of misery!

(Linda Blair makeup test for "The Exorcist" )

Newly-streamed videos produced by Jim Terr / Blue Canyon Productions

"The Wrong Guy"
(12 minutes; Rated PG)

First Runner-Up, Best Actress (Mary Evans), Best Editor
2001 Flicks on 66 Film Festival, Albuquerque


(Windows Media)

"Jim Terr, man of music, media and movies, manages to achieve, in The Wrong Guy," the essential element of successful feature film-making: he is always at least one step ahead of his audience."
         -Gerald Fried, Oscar-nominated, Emmy-winning film composer
                                       (Stanley Kubrick, "Roots", etc.)

4-minute feature film trailer parody
"The Passion of BuDDy"
 Featured in 2004 Santa Fe Film Festival

Windows Media: 56k  DSL/Cable  

Real Video:  56k  DSL/Cable

Jim Terr documentaries at www.BlueCanyonVideo.com


Sound and Video!
Buddy gets "NEKKID" for a better world.
Buddy's Old Fashioned Web Site.

Relax for a moment, on us . . .
Gaze into a beautiful picture and listen to beautiful music . . . (Click here)


*** Star in your own movie! ***

VISIT OUR HUMOR PAGE: "Santa Fe Stops" video tells you all you need to know about the decline of western civilization -- or at least about Santa Fe, NM -- and
"A Simple Way to Count Votes in Florida" tells you all you need to know about,
well, that subject. Rube Goldberg lives!

 "The $2.98 Video Collection"
"Hilarious shorts. '$2.98' is so funny, you'll have to replace your ass after laughing it off."
-Santa Fe Reporter

Jim Terr sneak-previews Stephen Soderbergh's latest film, featuring an unbelievable all-star cast: Susan Sarandon, Russell Crowe, Julia Roberts, Annette Bening, Martin Sheen, LeeLee Sobieski and
Haley Joel Osment

May we recommend that you visit "Buddy's Old Fashioned Web Site"™ (www.YourFriendBuddy.com)

* No digital information - moving parts only.
* All sound & video storage on reliable
VHS and 8-track tapes.
* No plastic.
* Made in U.S.A.
* Solar powered (methane backup).
* Uses recycled electrons.
Hear Buddy sing "Susan's Cranberry Sauce," a tribute to National Public Radio's Susan Stamberg!

 "Son of a Rabbi Man" now available in MP3 broadcast version!

NEW!  MODELS SPEAK OUT! See our new Humor Page!

NEW! Our first CD wins kudos worldwide!

NEWS FLASH!  NBC-TV "Dateline" story on Sleep Paralysis (8-16-00) rekindles interest in our authoritative video on the subject. Click here.

Editor's Note: In reviewing our websites, perhaps the most enduringly powerful thing we have to offer are the interview excerpts with Tony Hillerman and Dr. Sabine Ulibarri from our World War Two Veterans ' video. Also, our Holocaust Survivors video was recently featured and honored at the Portland (OR) Longbaugh II Film Festival!

To go directly to JimTerr.com click

About Blue Canyon Productions:
A vehicle for various entertainment and media projects produced by Jim Terr. Terr is a New Mexico native who is an occasional commentator in local and national media, a singer-songwriter, video producer and author.

"In his letters and articles, Jim Terr makes too much sense. In any other country he would have long since been locked up."
      - Jonathan Alter,
           Senior Editor, Newsweek

"Jim Terr's spirit shows through consistently in the essays, songs and other projects he creates. It's the droll, sardonic, 'cut the B.S.' outlook that is known around the world as 'American.' His tone is especially valuable in an election year."
- James Fallows


(Photo by Judy Lipsett)

"A gentle agitator...who's come up with a way to lower the country's political temperature."  
-Paul Greenberg,
syndicated columnist

(These quotes do not indicate support
of any or all Jim Terr projects
or pronouncements)

Information on the new CD,

"Please Cut My Song, Mr. Travis" by Jim Terr and friends 

SEE PHOTOS of Washington DC
mentioned in
October 2006 essay

"Jim Terr’s creativity and versatility are unmatched. Well, almost unmatched."
         - Hodding Carter

"Absolutely brilliant website. This guy does some of the best satire in the business. One of the great comedic and auditory geniuses of our day."
     - Thom Hartmann

A few old Jim Terr commentaries.


by Jim Terr

(Published in "Prime Time" seniors newspaper, March, 2000)

To me, faith in God, belief in a higher power or intelligence, is not a matter of faith at all.

Rather, it’s a matter of logic. It’s so obvious that virtually every aspect of the natural world (and I’m including in that the “spiritual” world) is so much more complex, so much more intricately designed than we will ever understand, that it seems obvious that humans and human consciousness are just a speck in a much vaster system.

Even if you consider “evolution” to be the explanation for some of life’s intricacies, the natural processes utilized by evolution are so complex and wondrous as to similarly escape anything near full human comprehension.

(continued on Opinion Page)

"A day without an update or recommendation from Jim Terr is like a day without sunshine, a night without stars, a party without guests, a pond without frogs, a dog without fleas, a deer without ticks."

-Gershon Siegel, publisher, Sun Monthly (Santa Fe)

** Songs from the CD, "Please Cut My Song, Mister Travis" (above)

1. Please Cut My Song, Mr. Travis
2. This Changes Everything (Singer: Kathy Chiavola)

3. Some Guy in Kansas City
4. Bringin' the Honky-Tonk Home
5.  I Just Wanna Know What It Would be Like to Kiss You (Talia Willis)
6. Excuse Me While I Have the Blues (Don Armstrong)
7. Three-Teared Wedding Cake (Margaret Burke)
8. They Never Met Anybody Like You and Me (with Busy McCarroll)
9. All It Takes (Lilia)
10. You Ain't Got Much
11. I Love a Man (Victoria Armstrong)
12. Tonsils in Taiwan  
13. Holding You Would Hold Me
14. Do They Have E-Mail In Heaven?
15. Dancing to the Radio (with Mary Evans)
16. She Taught Me How to Sing These Songs (Jim with Rock Watson)
17. Rustle Up Some Love (Gwen Lenore and BuDDy)

Products   Public Service  Opinion   
Humor    Satire Songs   Other Services    Links    
Contact Us



Public service message for “free lance creatives”

When submitting a public service message idea to the New Mexico Department of Transportation, please follow these simple guidelines: DON’T DO IT!!!

Take it from me, a guy with a fairly good public record of creative work (including the VERY long-running “Toss No Mas” jingle.  I submitted an idea which arguably, years later, resulted in the popular NMDOT “Don’t Text” video,  “DNTXT: Deadly Conversation”.  (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwta1bxyLGw

When I made the Department aware of my earlier submission, and gently suggested they pay me what I had requested as a creative fee in the first place, they politely declined, based on technicalities**, while not actually denying that my idea may have likely resulted in the current campaign.

This is the highly principled, morality-in-government, “do the right thing” Martinez administration, by the way. So, until further notice, and until they decide to do the right thing, my suggested guideline for  submitting ideas remains: DON’T DO IT!

        - Jim Terr 2014  / email bluecanyon2 – at – juno – dot – com

** and asking ME – legal expert that I am not – if I can let them know of any statutes contradicting the technicality they cited!!