Second “VEGAS TREAURE HUNT” May 24, for Nepal Relief

Feedback: "Donated online through Operation USA.  Had been meaning to ever since the quake, but the treasure hunt prompted me to do it right now.  Thanks for the stimulation!"


Here's the "Clues" video:

or view directly on YouTube (same difference)


* Please click here to email when you find a prize token , to save
others the trouble of looking for it.

* One prize per person / family / group, please

* We assume no responsibility; participate at your own risk

(Unrelated): Let me know if you'd like a nice 27" Sony TV
(old style, not flat screen, no remote but easy to get one)



Under sign at SEMILLA ( 9 a.m.) reported found.

Row apartments on WEST end of Douglas Ave.

Charlie's Spic & Span



This past August, a “video treasure hunt” around Las Vegas drew hundreds of participants for the twenty prize tokens for thousands of dollars’ worth of books, artwork, meal and gift certificates from local businesses, to benefit the Dana Konno Nursing Scholarship Fund at Luna Technical Institute.

Sunday, May 24, another Treasure Hunt will be held for the benefit of Nepal relief, in light of the recent disastrous earthquakes there.

The procedure for participating and contributing will be different this time: THERE IS NO FORMAL ENTRY FEE OR DONATION, just the request that you donate to badly-needed Nepal earthquake relief (see link below). Let's show how generous Las Vegas can be!

The article below shows what a success and what fun last year's event was.Terr says he was surprised and pleased that all 20 treasure tokens hidden around Las Vegas were found at the last event, and hopes for similar participation by families this time.

He reports that many businesses** have already pledged dinner and other gift certificates for the upcoming event. Clues for the treasure hunts are hidden in videos posted on YouTube, revealed the morning of the treasure hunt.

List of recommended Nepal relief organizations (click)
And here's a good one right out of Santa Fe, GlobalOutreachDoctors

Click to hear interview with Richard Eeds on KVSF-FM in Santa Fe (11 min)

Click photo to hear radio KFUN interview about the event (8 minutes)
(Inset: big voice-over artist comes to LVNM to help with "clues" video)

** GIFT PRIZE DONOR LIST (frequently updated)

BTU Do-It Center - $50 in gift certificates

Duffy Peterson & Sarah Frazier at El Zocalo Gallery

Abraham's Tiendita

The Skillet

El Sombrero Restaurant

Meadow City Music Festival 2015
Two VIP reserved seating passes.

Dick's Deli

Domino's Pizza (2@)

Charlie's Spic & Span Bakery & Cafe

Dairy Queen on North Seventh Street (2@)

El Encanto Restaurant

Parachute Factory: 3D printed portrait session; a 4" 3D
printed plastic bust of winner's likeness.Value: $75.

Haiya's Integrative Bodywork 505-454-0008
One hour massage session, $55 value

One-hour massage from Buena Vida Physical
Therapy & Wellness. Value : $55.

Room at Historic Plaza Hotel
(off season). $100 value.

Johnny's Mexican Kitchen (2@)

La Fiesta Restaurant

Photo art print by Penny Spring

PLUS - Autographed books!

Douglas Preston

Joseph Wilson

The Politics
of Truth

Phil Proctor

George R. R. Martin

Game of Thrones

"A Clash of Kings"

Alice Winston Carney

"A Cowgirl
in Search
   of a Horse"

Sallie Bingham




Drums of Autumn 


Click to pledge a prize to this fundraiser, like those above

Click to let us know if you have donated to Nepal relief,
whether due to this fundraiser or not. Would like to be
able to publicize the generosity of our town...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Re: August 2014 Treasure Hunt:

First Vegas Treasure Hunt is over - thanks ML for the nice review!


or use direct link:

Credits, and links to videos excerpted



THIS SUNDAY, August 24 - in Las Vegas, New Mexico!
Video posts at 7 a.m.

interview on KFUN Thursday, August 21, 2014 (9 minutes)


Are you ready for the  VEGAS TREASURE HUNT ?
Now open to EVERYONE - thanks to a generous donation (see below)

ALL proceeds to benefit the Dana Konno Nursing Scholarship Fund
at Luna Community College  

Interview on local station KFUN August 12, 2014

though of course you may still make a donation!

You can also donate at any Wells-Fargo office anywhere:
"Konno Nursing Scholarship Fund",
routing # 107002192 , acct # 933044044

See all treasure Hunt prizes so far

Treasure hunt details       Merchants etc. donate prizes    Press, ads, radio spots, etc.


to be posted on YouTube 7 a.m. morning of Treasure Hunt !

BOOKS!! Nationally-known, best-selling writers
are donating works signed

Related Projects / Events / Supporters

Short video about the event

Video "clue" episodes coming along...

Also given to all winners of Treasure Hunt.

Here and there around Las Vegas, New Mexico (the original Las Vegas!)...

...will be located markers for LOTS of prizes, gift certificates, merchandise...

...with clues embedded in a VIDEO to be posted just before the treasure hunt begins!

A few words about the Dana Konno Nursing Student Scholarship Fund.

Both personally and as part of the Las Vegas Fiesta Committee, I’ve supported the Scholarship Fund for past five years and I feel  great about it. First, Dana was such a remarkable, wonderful person and I’m totally honored and happy we could be friends. 

Second, the Fund provides emergency funds to nursing students for those crises which arise.  Many of the students are the first in their family to reach higher levels of education, many are single parents, and many juggle more than the usual levels of obligations.  Of anyone in our society, these deserve our support.  They are headed to a life of contribution to others and form the bedrock of community.  A few hundred dollars at the right time can have a huge impact. 

Administered by the nursing faculty, this unique program can act on short notice and is ideally suited to meet pressing needs. 
 - Dr. Joseph Whiteman

Since April of 2010 The Dana Konno Scholarship Fund has awarded a total of $11,450 to needy student nurses


Luna Community College Nursing program is very honored to have had employees like Dana Konno, RN, BSN, handing down some of her broad knowledge and expertise to our students. She was also an accomplished alumnus from our institution.  Her impact on our program is far-reaching even today, five years after her  unexpected passing in 2009. 

After her death, the Dana T Konno Scholarship Fund was started with donations from friends and family to provide financial assitance to students enrolled in the nursing program who require temporary financial assistance to continue their nursing studies. In the past five years thousands of dollars have been awarded to students in good standing who have had unexpected bills arise.

Monies have paid for gas, food, rent, health for many of our community members.  We are indebted to Dana and to all who remember her with donations for nurses of the future.
        -Conni Reichert, RN, MSN
    Director of Allied Health Sciences, Luna Community College

Since April of 2010 The Dana Konno Scholarship Fund has awarded a total of $11,450 to needy student nurses

"Sounds like a great event for a very worthy cause. Let me know if I can assist in any way"   --Christian Montaño, Chief of Police, Las Vegas

"Good luck with this very worthwhile event, which should promote Las Vegas very positively as have so many of your other videos and projects. As Mayor of the City of Las Vegas, I continue to appreciate your film, music, video and interview creativity.  Your talents are valued and appreciated by many of us.

Please accept my sincere thanks and appreciation for promoting the REAL Las Vegas. Wishing you success in your latest venture, the Treasure Hunt to raise money for the nursing scholarship fund in honor of your sister,  I remain your friend and supporter"  --Mayor Ortiz


Dana T. Konno 1952-2009  Read

(c) Jim Terr 2014       Contact




Thanks for various support so far: Allan Affeldt, Michael Britt, Robert Dorf, Bill Taylor,
Wid Slick, BTU Building Materials, Plaza Drugs, Charlie's Spic & Span, James Rutherford,
Wells Fargo Bank (donation account services)

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Public service message for “free lance creatives”

When submitting a public service message idea to the New Mexico Department of Transportation, please follow these simple guidelines: DON’T DO IT!!!

Take it from me, a guy with a fairly good public record of creative work (including the VERY long-running “Toss No Mas” jingle.  I submitted an idea which arguably, years later, resulted in the popular NMDOT “Don’t Text” video,  “DNTXT: Deadly Conversation”.  (

When I made the Department aware of my earlier submission, and gently suggested they pay me what I had requested as a creative fee in the first place, they politely declined, based on technicalities**, while not actually denying that my idea may have likely resulted in the current campaign.

This is the highly principled, morality-in-government, “do the right thing” Martinez administration, by the way. So, until further notice, and until they decide to do the right thing, my suggested guideline for  submitting ideas remains: DON’T DO IT!

        - Jim Terr 2014  / email bluecanyon2 – at – juno – dot – com

** and asking ME – legal expert that I am not – if I can let them know of any statutes contradicting the technicality they cited!!