for Vegas Treasure Hunt August 24, 2014

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THANK YOU for offering prize(s) to the "treasure pot" for the video treasure hunt.

Understanding all notes below, I would like to offer a gift / prize
for the Vegas Treasure Hunt, via this contact link. (THANK YOU!)

THANKS AGAIN - your prizes really provide the fun and icentive for this event,
and for participation and donations to this worthy cause.


All fulfilment (delivery) of gift / prizes will be between DONOR and WINNER. We will provide winner’s name etc. to donor, and they can arrange delivery directly between them.

(Given the number of prizes hopefully involved, we can not be involved – or responsible -- for fulfilment or non-fulfilment, or confirming value and nature of gifts)  

We will list your gift just as you provide the information – including stated value. We do reserve the right to edit your listing, to include or not include a photo, or to refuse any gift for any reason including but not limited to - in our sole opinion - bad taste, potential harm, offensiveness or divisiveness, lack of general interest.

There may be a meeting announced (most likely, a table reserved for coffee at a local restaurant) for winners to swap gifts if they wish – again, strictly between them and not involving us – prior to redeeming them with the donor.

When submitting gift below, please include expiration / pick-up deadline date; unless specified otherwise, winners will be asked to redeem their win / pick up their gift before the end of November, 2014.

If you'd like, please include a photo for possible use in website and promotion. Ideally a small photo, no larger than 300 pixels in either dimension, but we can work with larger ones if necessary.