‘Treasure’ gifts sought for treasure hunt
LAS VEGAS OPTICTuesday, July 8, 2014 at 5:33 pm
Several gifts have been offered by local merchants and others — and more are being sought — as prizes to be found in a “Treasure Hunt” Sunday morning, Aug. 3, a benefit for the Dana Konno Nursing Scholarship Fund at Luna Community College.
Clues to gift locations around town will be given in a video to be posted on YouTube early that morning.
Video producer Jim Terr, whose videos on YouTube recently topped one million views, has announced the Vegas Treasure Hunt, with early prize offerings totaling more than $800 in value. Prizes listed as of Tuesday [July 1] on the event website, www.VegasTreasureHunt.org., include a one-night stay at the Plaza Hotel, four dinners for two at Charlie’s Café, handmade jewelry by Sarah Frazier and Tito Chavez, book downloads, and a bottle of 1984 Alexander Valley Cabernet Sauvignon valued at up to $500.
The treasure hunt video will also serve to promote Las Vegas’ scenery, architecture and history, as have many of Terr’s previous videos.
All event money donations will go to the nursing scholarship fund at Luna Community College, which has so far given more than $11,000 to nursing students in need, according to nursing program director Conni Reichert, RN, on the event website.
Terr, brother of the late nurse Danna Konno for whom the fund is named, said he hopes the treasure hunt event proceeds will top the $11,450 previously distributed by the nursing fund to nursing students with emergency needs.
Dr. Joseph Whiteman said on the website, “Of anyone in our society, nursing students deserve our support. They are headed to a life of contribution to others and form the bedrock of community. A few hundred dollars at the right time can have a huge impact.”
Potential prize gift donors may submit their gifts via the website,www.VegasTreasureHunt.org.