Howler sale


Thank you for your interest in owning your own (budding) Media Empire.

The Howler Papers were conceived as a network of internet (and Facebook, in some cases,
newspaper) sites strategically located to serve over 70 thriving communities with a
total population of 7-million-plus, in over 33 states.

The idea is that most content would be generated centrally for all Howlers, and local correspondents
would provide local content, and in largest and most strategic markets -- Honolulu, Houston,
Hollywood (both), Beverly Hills, Chapel Hill, the Hamptons, Harlem, Hartford, Capitol Hill (DC),
Nob Hill (Albquerque), Henderson, New Hampshire, New Haven, West Hollywood, etc. --
an "alternative weekly" paper as well.

In addition to providing and launching useful ideas and news, and addressing
pressing local issues, one idea behind this "chain" is to create "buzz" for
useful products, ideas, and CANDIDATES (note presence in all early primary states)

After having built out the "infrastructure," it's looking like it might be too big a project for
one person, hence the possibility of selling it to an interested party. Would be a
tremendous opportunity for a young journalist with energy, ideas, and journalism training.

Please contact to inquire about purchase, if you might be seriously interested.
(or: bluecanyon2 -AT-