Commemorating a 2012 presidential run that made very little impact... at the time...
Jim Terr,
Republican Primary candidate (for president) (of U.S.)
Feature film to include footage from
campaign trail! see
OUR WILD ARIZONA DEBATES! (segment not "office
safe") (6 minutes only, this segment)
Not surprisingly, the Arizona legislature just ended
this practice,
making ours the last such debate!!
Ads placed in Arizona papers (Terr
increases campaign expenditures by 1,000%!) Official results: Got 57 votes, about 1/5,000th as many
as Mr. Romney.
Two candidates got less than I did, which takes the edge off a bit. I'll
be OK. God bless the "57"
"There is no position on which
people are so immovable as their religious
beliefs. There is no more powerful ally one can
claim in a debate than
Jesus Christ, or God, or Allah, or whatever one
calls this supreme
being. But like any powerful weapon, the use of
God's name on one's
behalf should be used sparingly. The religious
factions that are
growing throughout our land are not using their
religious clout with
wisdom. They are trying to force government
leaders into following
their position 100 percent. If you disagree with
these religious groups
on a particular moral issue, they complain, they
threaten you with a
loss of money or votes or both. I'm frankly sick
and tired of the
political preachers across this country telling me
as a citizen that if
I want to be a moral person, I must believe in
'A,' 'B,' 'C,' and 'D.'
Just who do they think they are? And from where do
they presume to
claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to
me? And I am even
more angry as a legislator who must endure the
threats of every
religious group who thinks it has some God-granted
right to control my
vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am
warning them today:
I will fight them every step of the way if they
try to dictate their
moral convictions to all Americans in the name of
'conservatism.' "
--Senator Barry Goldwater, 1981
MY PLEDGE TO YOU: When I appear full-time on the campaign trail
in Arizona in late February, I will strive to give a speech
at least this inspiring, EACH AND EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!
So help me GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Announcing the full endorsement of candidate Terr
by the Ginger
Tea Party"
Terr draws #2 spot on Arizona ballot!
(Thank you, G-d)
Until "our people" get clear on campaign finance rules, you can support this campaign by buying some CDs here
(or via CDBaby, iTunes, Amazon.com, etc.)
I’m Jim Terr. I’ve been a proud Republican all
my life. Just like I’ve been a proud resident of Arizona all
my life.
Terr – pronounced as in “termite.” The meaning
and ethnic origin is unknown. But of course we in Arizona
don’t care about that. We care about a person’s inner worth,
their willingness to play hard and work by the rules. I mean
work hard and play by the rules. Inner worth, I’ve got a lot
of that.
When my parents or maybe it was my
grandparents, came here, this was just a dusty desert filled
with a few cactus and a few so-called Native Americans. They
built this up to the thriving, sprawling water-sucking
paradise that it is today, where people of all kinds live
together in peace and harmony.
I have that same vision for America. Won’t you
join me? This is a people’s campaign. In fact I don’t even
want to run. But people from all over America said “Mitt,
will you run?” (Somehow his e-mail account was diverted to
mine for about 36 hours, but it got me to thinking…)
Of course I should run. America needs me. I’ve got nothing
better to do between now and November. Maybe I’ll win. I
know I can count on the support of the little people. In
fact, I’m not going to accept contributions of anything
greater than $25,000 per individual or family or
corporation. Actual campaign contribution limits may even
smaller than that. So you see, this is about you, about
taking America back.
Back from the Obamas, from the Lockheeds, from
the Wall Streets, from the Bushes, the Rockefellers, the
Illuminati and the Bilderbergs. Let’s return it to the
Garcias, the Terrs, the Joneses. (Are there any Joneses
anymore?) The Washingtons, the Lincolns, the Jeffersons.
Where ARE the Washingtons, the Lincolns, the Jeffersons,
today? I’ll tell you where, they’re all playing professional
basketball. That’s an old joke I’ve always loved.
This campaign isn’t about being politically correct, so
you’d better get used to it. It’s not about appealing to the
most far-right, ignorant, fundamentalist xenophobes in Iowa,
in order to win a caucus and show how far-right, ignorant,
fundamentalist and xenophobic I am. It’s about appealing to
the most far-right, ignorant, fundamentalist xenophobes in
the great state of Arizona, because I know we represent the
best America has to offer; we embody a vision of what
America can be again.
Those who say America was never meant to be a Christian
country, I say let them prove it. Where are the documents?
Where is the birth certificate of this so-called Thomas
Jefferson, this so-called George Washington? I think a lot
of Americans need to just shut up and let nature take its
course. Let me run this place. Give Jim Terr a chance
to steal from you!
If nominated I will not run, and if elected I
will not serve. That is my solemn promise to you. I will
issue shriveling indictments of any candidate or incumbent –
for any office – who does not reject and eschew our current
rotten system of private – and now, unlimited and
secret corporate – contributions to election
campaigns. I could make many more specific promises but we
all know they are forgotten when you get in that
presidential hot seat, so who are we kidding? I promise to
do my best, and consult with my trusted circle of Wall
Street advisers at every critical juncture.
In the coming weeks I’ll be sharing more about
myself, and my vision of an America returned to its rightful
owners. The corporations. That’s who knows how to run
America like a business. Which is what our Founders
intended. Of course corporations are human. It’s people
I wonder about.
Together, we can work together for a better
America. At least for me. Won’t you join me? Together we can
take America back. Way back. God bless us all in this mighty
As God is my witness. Jim Terr Anno domini 2012, January 3.
Our campaign train steamroller MEDIA DRUMBEATcatches
afire! JT campaign in the NEWS
USA Today:
Jon Huntsman, a
former Utah governor, is the only major Republican contender
to fail to make Arizona's ballot. His campaign has vowed to challenge
decision of the Secretary of State's Office to reject his nomination
form because it did not
include a properly notarized original signature of the candidate.
The office also has certified six candidates to appear on the ballot of
the Green Party,
the only other recognized political party taking part in the
presidential primary.
"...We did, however, get
one candidacy certified:
New Mexico-based singing satirist Jim Terr, who,
due to the luck of the draw, is the second candidate
listed on the Republican ballot..." (see
Have things gotten so bad for Newt that he has to appear
as a displaced woman in his own commercials? Think I'm making this up?
It's from this commercial:http://www.youtube.com/
MY PREFERRED RUNNING MATE (next to Jesse Ventura) "Let's bring back those good old days, when the family was
miserable and repressed, and Dad was oblivious and on top of the
Here's a ticket I could live with, if necessary:
Feature film to include footage from campaign
Tony Byworth & Associates 19 Park Lane, Knebworth, Herts SG3 6PD, England phone: (+44) 01438 811584 fax: (+44) 08719 183623 e-mail:tony.b12@virgin.netmobile: (+44) 07941 818446
JIM TERR FOR PRESIDENT Santa Fe Entertainer Backs Campaign
With Film Project
Jim Terr – arguably New Mexico’s best kept
secret – is not a person to be deterred by lack of attention
from the entertainment industry. Instead, and backed with
self-perpetuated shameless publicity, he moves from one
project to another.
Boasting over 700,000 views to more than 400 videos on his
YouTube channel (HYMIEHYMIE) and some 70,000 Google citations,
alongside appearances on a multitude of national TV and radio
outlets, the Santa Fe based entertainer is nothing less than
one-man industry.
Perhaps best known as a singer/songwriter, he also stacks up
credits as record producer, filmmaker, actor (recently filmed
in the Dutch independent production “Jackie”
starring Holly Hunter), political satirist
and bona fide US presidential candidate in the Arizona
primary, February 28, drawing #2 spot on the ballot, ahead of
Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul and the other nominees (www.JTAmerica.com).
Since videotaping his experiences on campaign trail, and
writing songs as always, Terr decided to combine all these
interests and opportunities into a feature film about a
singer/songwriter kidnapped on a USO tour in the Mid-East,
hypnotized by a mysterious organization to carry out a
"Manchurian Candidate" style mission, then returned to his
normal routine of music and politics - and a political
campaign - while waiting for the trap to be released.
Co-star is Suhail Aldabbach, remembered for
his memorable role as the remorseful suicide bomber in the
2010 Oscar "Best Picture" “The Hurt Locker”.
He is now a (refugee) resident of New Mexico, and he and Terr
have teamed up on several prospective feature projects.
Aldabbach is set to have a featured role in Oscar winning
director Kathryn Bigelow's next project –
the yet to be named account of the hunt for Osama Bin Laden –
so he will have an even higher profile soon.
Also having a key role in the Terr project is rotund country
singer BuDDy, with cameo appearances by
humorist Dave Barry, journalist James
Fallows, NPR host Scott Simon, "Firesign
Theater" co-founder Phil Proctor
and others. Intended as a very low-budget production most
likely destined to go directly to DVD and download, Jim
Terr (in common with so many prospective
independent film producers) is currently seeking out
interested investors. He hopes that with the frustration of
the political season, this coming summer, the intended summer
release, and a compelling plot, and lots of music and good
soundtrack CD, will make the project a success.
Las Vegas, New Mexico—Jan. 22, 2012—During a
press conference outside his home on Sunday, Jim Terr,
Republican hopeful for president in the Arizona Presidential
Preference Election February 28, shared his reactions to South
Carolina GOP primary, a decisive upset by former House Speaker
Newt Gingrich.
Terr commented, “Was there any suprise here? The guy with the
most bravado and cleverness and presumed ability to out-argue
President Obama in the general election, won. He successfully
made Mitt Romney look awkward and unprepared and defensive
about his undisclosed tax returns -- which he was. Oops,
Mitt – who could have ever seen that one coming?”
“Gingrich somehow overcame what might have been concern about
his revolving-door lobbying and profiteering from a mobster
named Freddie Mac, putting it off until the Dems have a chance
to hammer him with it in a couple months. On the question of
his disgusting behavior in both his personal life and his
political life, well, Evangelicals love a supposedly reformed
sinner. Especially when he provides a stirringly righteous
offensive defense, making himself look like a victim of the
so-called liberal media.”
As to Ron Paul and Rick Santorum, who Terr says “Say what they
think and are evidently unwilling to prostitute themselves to
suit the rabidly anti-Obama, moralistic, right-wing electorate
of South Carolina, they, unsurprisingly, didn’t do so well.”
Terr added, “I have been a proud member of the Republican
party, the party of my father (blessed be his memory) and a
couple other people I know and like regardless, for 17 days,
and it has been a thrilling ride. It has forced me to
contemplate The Mind of the Republican, and to consider what
it would take to bring us proud, lifelong Republicans back to
the mainstream of American society.”
Terr, who drew the number two position on the Arizona GOP
ballot, stated, “In my campaign I shall endeavor to combine
the best of the ideas put forth by the other GOP candidates
(well, Ron Paul had a good one on cutting back on US military
adventures and Empire; I can’t think of any others right now),
along with my own fanciful notions about Public Campaign
Finance, repealing Citizens’ United, and nominating Supreme
Court justices who are not ideologues and Tools of Industry,
into a broadly appealing campaign.”
”I also affirm my core campaign promise that if nominated I
will not run, and if I am elected I will not serve,” Terr
added emphatically. “I love that Arizona gives us lesser-known
candidates a chance to make our voices heard here before the
national liberal news media.”
Terr refrained from making comments on his “alternative
candidate” competitors on the Arizona ballot, though he says
he has a “thick and incriminating dossier” on each. “I prefer
to run a positive campaign,” Terr stated.
Jim Terr (as in “termite”) is a video
producer, satirist and singer-songwriter from Las Vegas, New
Mexico, with over 700,000 views on the YouTube videos, and
over 70,000 Google citations of his assorted projects. His
campaign website is www.JTAmerica.com
My hero! Think about how the
discussion has been diverted to "left-right" rhetoric.
Think of all the anti-Obama rage that might otherwise be focused on
Here's the problem we're dealing with (not
the divide, of course, but the class warfare)